martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Madrid's trip

I laughed a lot with my friends: Sara, Alicia, Andrea and Helena when we went into a Loewe's shop. These shop sold beautifuls and expensive bags. When we went into the shop, all of the dependents went down next to us, they were very elegant if we compared with our dressed. Sara touched an a bag and I don't remember buta somebody of our group said: This bag costs more than you, and I startedd laughing a lot. I think that dependents looked than we aproximated to the bags and also though that we were a thiefs. O my good, I spend a lot of shame when we went out. I think that these experience I will never forget!!

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

My favourite actor

My favourite actor is Antonio Recio that he appears in the tv serie La que se avecina, his real name is Jordi Sánchez. He makes a very good performance like a wholesaler of frozen fish, in the serie his character ias a  bitter man, impatient and concerned about community affairs. He has a professional rule: Seafood Recio. Before he was known in the serie La que se avecina, he was especially known for the role of  "Lopes" in the catalan serie Plats Bruts. Here I leave him Christmas message in one chapter because we are in Christmas time: 

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

My favourite sportsperson


My favourite sportperson is the player of F.C. Barcelona Cesc Fabregas. I'm a fan of him, I love him because is very handsome and he is a very good football player. He is catalan but he played 8 years with the Arsenal and he arrived to be the team captain but the last summer he said that he would to be again the player of F.C Barcelona. I went to his presentation as new player at the Camp Nou. I will put the video at the end. He is important to me because I'm not of F.C. Barcelona but when I saw him in the tv or he scores a goal, I change everything that I thought. 

Here I leave the video that this fantastic player said a speech that I recorded:
Marta Moure's blog:

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

My favourite song

When I read in the blog instructions that we have to choose a favourite song I thought one name: Bruno Mars. This singer is fantastic, he has a great voice and he is handsome but I had a problem because I didn't know which song to choose. I choose the Lazy song beacuse is a funny song. When I saw at the first time I laughed a lot with the monkeys, and they dance very well. I have more favorite song of Bruno Mars, for example Marry you, it will rain. 

I said that this is one of my favorite songs but here I leave a song of Maroon 5 with Christina Aguilera that I like, the song is Moves like Jagger. I like the rhythm of the song.

My school life

I always thought that my school is the best because we do activities that other schools don't do. Every year we do a fantastic and incredible musical that is represented in June for the whole school and family. Everyone helps to make the perfect musical. Here I leave the dance we did in the musical of Michael Jackson, the song is They don't care about us, but only appear a part of our song:

My fovourite subjects are english and physical education. English because I practise since P3 and when I was in P4 the english teacher said to my parents that they should sign up for an english academy because I was good at this subject. And physical education because I like run, play because I've always been doing sports and I'm good at sport. 

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

My social life

When I don't have homework I always go aout with my friends because I think that when I go out and I have fun I forget everything about the school or anything else. When I go out with my friends we sometimes go to a bar that it has a sunroom. There isn't no noise and no snuff smoke so we can talk quietly. When it's windy or raining we often go to the Magic Badalona mall because has great shops and it's hot. We have fun going anywhere. 

When I was a child I used to say that when I grew, I will be a famous tennis player. This desire wasn't fulfilled because I'm 17 and I aren't a famous player tennis but what hasn't change is that I like tennis when I was a child or now, it's my favourite sport. Last night I saw a picture that I appeared with my first racket and I smiled because it is a special memory.
In this photo we were me and a friend of the tennis in an important tennis match